Paun, R.A., Dumut, D.C., Li, L., Radzioch, D., Tabrizian, M. Bacterial hitchhiking with drug-loaded nanoparticles as a drug delivery strategy for cancer immunotherapy. npj Biomed. Innov. 2, 3 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44385-024-00006-6
John V. L. Nguyen, Ahlem Meziadi, Christina Nassif, Dillon Da Fonte, Lidija Malic, and Maryam Tabrizian. Combinatorial Nanoparticle-Bound ssDNA Oligonucleotide Library Synthesized by Split-and-Pool Synthesis. ACS Applied Bio Materials 2025 8 (1), 844-853 DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.4c01681
Agnes, Celine J. and Li, Ling and Bertrand, David and Murshed, Monzur and Willie, Bettina M. and Tabrizian, Maryam, Assessment of Bone Regeneration Potential for a 6-Bromoindirubin-3’-Oxime (Bio) Encapsulated Chitosan Based Scaffold in a Mouse Critical Sized Bone Defect Model. [pre-print] Available at SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4918488
Van Der Sanden N., Paun R.A., Yitayew M., Boyadjian O., Tabrizian M. (2024) An Investigation of the Protein Corona in the Cellular Uptake of Nanoliposomes Under Flow Conditions Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation, Nanoscale Advances
M. Yitayew, M. Gasparrini, L. Li, S. Paraskevas, M. Tabrizian* (2024), “An investigation of functionalized chitosan and alginate multilayer conformal nanocoating on mouse beta cell spheroids as a model for pancreatic islet transplantation”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 278, 134960.
A. Karoichan, S. Boucenna, M. Tabrizian* (2024), “Therapeutics of the future: navigating the pitfalls of extracellular vesicles research from an osteoarthritis perspective”, J. Extracellular Vesicles, JEXV-2024-01-0060.
M. Yitayew, M. Luginina, M. Tabrizian* (2024), “Advances in the Use of Biologics and Biomaterials toward the Improvement of Pancreatic Islet Graft Survival in Type 1 Diabetes, Adv. NanoBiomed Res. 2300097. http://doi.org/10.1002/anbr.202300097
J. M. Porter, M. Yitayew, M. Tabrizian*. (2023). “Renewable Human Cell Model for Type 1 Diabetes Research: EndoC-βH5/HUVEC Coculture Spheroids”, J Diabetes Research. 2023 Dec 21:2023:6610007.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38162632/
M. Rothpan, N. Chandra Teja Dadi, G. McKay, M. Tanzer, D. Nguyen, A. Hart, M. Tabrizian*. (2023). “Titanium-Dioxide-Nanoparticle-Embedded Polyelectrolyte Multilayer as an Osteoconductive and Antimicrobial Surface Coating”, Materials 16 (21), 7026. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16217026
R. A. Paun, S. Jurchuk, M. Tabrizian*(accepted in August 2023), “A Landscape of Recent Advances in Lipid Nanoparticles and Their Translational Potential for the Treatment of Solid Tumors”, Bioengineering & Translational Medicine, ID: BTM-2023-0237. https://doi.org/10.1002/btm2.10601
N. Watcharajittanont, M. Trabrizian, S. Ekarattanawon, J. Meesane* (2023), “Bone-mimicking scaffold based on silk fibroin incorporated with hydroxyapatite and titanium oxide as enhanced osteo-conductive material for bone tissue formation: fabrication, characterization, properties, and in vitro testing”, Biomedical Materials, 18(6), DIO:10.1088/1748-605X/acf542
C. Agnes A. Karoichan, M. Tabrizian* (2023), “The Diamond Concept Enigma: Recent Trends of its Implementation in Crosslinked Chitosan-Based Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering”, ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 6, 7, 2515–2545. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsabm.3c00108
C. R. Moya-Garcia, N. Y.K. Li-Jessen*, M. Tabrizian*(2023), “Chitosomes loaded with docetaxel as a promising drug delivery system to laryngeal cancer cells”, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24(12), 9902.
F. Giovanniello, M. Asgari, I. Breslavsky, G. Franchini, G. A. Holzapfel, M. Tabrizian M. Amabili* (2023) “Development And Mechanical Characterization Of Decellularized Scaffolds For An Active Aortic Graft”, Acta Biomaterialia, 1;160:59-72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2023.02.013.
M. Brown, S. Zhu, L. Taylor, M. Tabrizian, N. Li-Jessen* (2023), “Unraveling the Relevance of Tissue-Specific Decellularized Extracellular Matrix Hydrogels for Vocal Fold Regenerative Biomaterials A Comprehensive Proteomic and In Vitro Study”, Advanced NanoBiomed Research. 3, 2200095.
C. Agnes, M. Murshed, B. M. Willie, M. Tabrizian* (2023), “6-BromoIndirubin-3-Oxime Incorporation in the Guanosine Diphosphate Crosslinked Chitosan Scaffold as a Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3B Inhibitor: An Investigation of the Material Properties for Bone Regeneration”, Int J of Biological Macromolecules, 227:71-82, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.12.130.
R. Rasouli, K. Martinez Villegas, M. Tabrizian* (2023), Critical Review, “Acoustofluidics –Changing Paradigm in Tissue Engineering, Therapeutics Development, and Biosensing”. Lab on a Chip, 2023, 23, 1300 – 1338. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2023/lc/d2lc00439a.
R. Rasouli, A. R. Paun, M. Tabrizian* (2023), “Sonoprinting Nanoparticles on Cellular Spheroids via Surface Acoustic Waves for Enhanced Nanotherapeutics Delivery”, Lab on a Chip, 23, 2091, DOI: 10.1039/d2lc00854h
M. Brown, J. L. C. Moraes, M. Tabrizian, N. Li-Jessen* (2022), “Decellularized Extracellular Matrix: New Promising and Challenging Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine”, Biomaterials. 289, 121786, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2022.121786.
J. M. Porter, L. Geurassimoff, F. R. Castiello, A. B. Charette, M. Tabrizian*(2022), “INGAP-Peptide Variants as a Novel Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes: Effect on Human Islet Insulin Secretion and Gene Expression”, Pharmaceutics, 14(9), 1833; https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics14091833.
C. R. Moya-Garcia, H. Okuyama, N. Sadeghi, J. Li, M. Tabrizian*, N. Y. K. Li-Jessen*(2022), “In Vitro Models for Head and Neck Cancer: Current Status and Future Perspective”, Front. Oncol. 12:960340, https://doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2022.960340.
K. Martinez Villegas, R. Rasouli, M. Tabrizian* (2022), "Enhancing Metabolic Activity and Differentiation Potential in Adipose Mesenchymal Stem Cells via High-Resolution Surface Acoustic Waves Contactless Patterning", Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 8:79, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41378-022-00415-w.
N. Distasio; F. Dierick, T. Ebrahimian, M. Tabrizian*, S. Lehoux* (2022), “Design and Development of Branched Poly(ß-aminoester) Nanoparticles for Interleukin-10 Gene Delivery in a Mouse Model of Atherosclerosis”, Acta Biomaterialia, 143: 356-371.
M. Brown, S. Zhu, M. Tabrizian, N. Li-Jessen (2022), “Click Small Intestinal Submucosa for Vocal Fold Tissue Egineering”, Tissue Eng. Part A 28, S32-S33.
R. A. Paun, D. C. Dumut, A. Centorame, T. Thuraisingam, M. Hajduc, M. Mistrik, P. Dzubak, J. De Sanctis, D. Radzioch, M. Tabrizian* (2022), “One-Step Synthesis of Nanoliposomal Copper Diethyldithiocarbamate and its Assessment as a Potential Drug Delivery System for Cancer Therapy”. Pharmaceutics 14, 640. https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics14030640.
A. Karoichan, T. Baudequin, H. Al-Jallad, M. Tabrizian* (2022), “Encapsulation and Differentiation of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Biomimetic Purine Cross-Linked Chitosan Sponge, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 110:585–594. DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.37311.
M. Saad, F. R. Castiello, S. P. Faucher, M. Tabrizian*, (2022), “Introducing an SPRi-based titration assay using aptamers for the detection of Legionella pneumophila”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 351,130933. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2021.130933
S. Naseri, M. E. Cooke, D. Rosenzweig, M. Tabrizian* (2021), “3D printed in vitro dentin model to investigate occlusive agents against tooth sensitivity”. Materials, 14(23), 7255. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14237255.
R. Rasouli, Maryam Tabrizian* (2021), “Rapid Formation of Multicellular Spheroids in Boundary-Driven Acoustic Microstreams”, Small 2021, 2101931. https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202101931
H. Salmon, M. R. Rasouli, N. Distasio, M. Tabrizian* (2021), “Facile engineering and interfacing of styrenic block copolymers for low-cost, multi-purpose microfluidic devices”, Engineering Reports, Article ID: ENG212361, DOI: 10.1002/eng2.12361. https://doi.org/10.1002/eng2.12361
T. Nardo, V. Chiono, I. Carmagnola, L. Fracchia, C. Ceresa, M. Tabrizian, Gianluca Ciardelli (2021), “Mussel-inspired antimicrobial coating on PTFE barrier membranes for guided tissue regeneration", Biomed. Mater. 16(3): 035035. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-605X/abf27e/meta
S. Ahmed, H. Salmon, N. Distasio, H. Doan DO, D. Schermann, K. Alhareth, M. Tabrizian, N. Mignet* (2021), “Viscous core liposomes increase siRNA encapsulation and provides gene inhibition when slightly positively charged”, pharmaceutics, 13(4):479. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13040479.250.
T. Baudequin, C. Agnes, M. Tabrizian* (2021) "A Core-Shell Guanosine Diphosphate Crosslinked Chitosan Scaffold as a Potential Co-Encapsulation Platform", Carbohydrate Polymers, 256:117499.
N. Distasio, H. Salmon, F. Dierick, T. Ebrahimian, M. Tabrizian*, S. Lehoux* (2021), "VCAM-1 targeted gene delivery nanoparticles localize to inflamed endothelial cells and atherosclerotic plaques", Adv. Therap. 2021, 4(2), 2000196. https://doi.org/10.1002/adtp.202000196.
M. Singh, H. Nolan, M. Tabrizian, S. Cosnier, G. S. Duesberg and M. Holzinger* (2020), “Functionalization of contacted Carbon Nanotube Forests by dip coating for high performing bio-cathodes”, ChemElectroChem, 7(22) https://doi.org/10.1002/celc.202001334.
M. Yafia*, A. M. Foudeh, M. Tabrizian, H. Najjaran (2020), “Low-cost graphene-based digital microfluidic system”, micromachines-904641. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-666X/11/9/880/pdf
P. Modarres, M Tabrizian* (2020), “Phase-controlled Field-effect Micromixing Using AC Electroosmosis", Microsystems & Nanoengineering (a nature publication) 6 (1):1-11. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41378-020-0166-y.
J. Porter, L. Guerassimoff, R. Castiello, M. Tabrizian* (2020), “Synthesis and Screening of Novel Peptides on Human Pancreatic Islets for Type 1 Diabetes Therapies”, International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2020, pp. 2217-2220, doi:10.1109/EMBC44109.2020.9175493.
K. Jahan, G. Manickam, M. Tabrizian*, M. Murshed* (2020), “In vitro and in vivo investigation of osteogenic properties of self-contained phosphate-releasing injectable purine-crosslinked chitosan-hydroxyapatite construct”, Scientific Reports 10 (1), Article number: 9145. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-67886-7 https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1038/s41598-020-67886-7.pdf
M. Saad, D. Chinerman, M. Tabrizian, S. Faucher* (2020), “Identification of two aptamers binding to Legionella pneumophila with high affinity and specificity”, Scientific Report, 10, Article number: 9145. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-65973-3
P. Modarres, M Tabrizian* (2020), “Electrohydrodynamic-Driven Micromixing for the Synthesis of Highly Monodisperse Nanoscale Liposomes”, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 3(5):4000–4013. https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsanm.9b02407.
N. Watcharajittanont, M. Tabrizian, C. Putson, P. Pripatnanont, J. Meesane* (2020) “Osseointegrated membranes based on electro-spun TiO2/hydroxyapatite/poly-urethane for oral maxillofacial surgery”, Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 108:110479. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2019.110479
P Modarres, M Tabrizian *(2020), “Nanoparticle Synthesis Usig an Electrodynamic Micromixer”, 33rd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, 1068-1070. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9056147
M. Yitayew, M. Tabrizian* (2020), "Hollow Microcapsules Through Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly of Chitosan/Alginate on E. coli", MRS Advances, 5, 2401–2407. https://doi.org/10.1557/adv.2020.261
M. Rasouli, M. Tabrizian* (2019), “Ultra-Rapid Acoustic Micromixer for Synthesis of Organic Nanoparticles", Lab Chip 19 (19):3316–3325. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2019/lc/c9lc00637k
F. R. Castiello, J. Porter, P. Modarres, M. Tabrizian* (2019), "Interfacial capacitance immunosensing using interdigitated electrodes: effect of the insulation/immobilization chemistry", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21:15787–15797.
S. Shoaib, M. Tabrizian* (2019), "A QCM-D biosensing strategy for investigating the real-time effects of oxidative stress on the viscoelastic properties of pre-osteoblast cells", Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 293:235-246.
L. Keller, Y. Idoux-Gillet, P. Schwinté, L. Benameur, M. Tabrizian, P. Auvray, F. Bornert, D. Offner, R. M. Gonzalo-Daganzo, E. Gómez Barrena, N. Benkirane-Jessel* (2019), "Preclinical safety study of a combined therapeutic bone wound dressing for osteoarticular regeneration", Nature Commun 10(1):2156. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-10165-5
S. Chen, A. Auriat, H Ismail, T. Li, A. Galuta, R. Sandarage, R. Wylie, D. X. B. Chen, S. Willerth, M. DeRosa, M. Tabrizian, X. Cao, and E. C. Tsai* (2019), “Advancements in Canadian Biomaterials and Implications for Neurotraumatic Diagnosis and Therapies”, Processes,7:336; doi:10.3390/pr7060336. https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9717/7/6/336
F. R. Castiello, M. Tabrizian* (2019), "Gold nanoparticle amplification strategies for multiplex SPRi-based immunosensing of human pancreatic islet hormones", Analyst, 144(8):2541-2549.
P. Modarres, M. Tabrizian* (2019), “Frequency Hopping Dielectrophoresis as a New Approach for Microscale Particle and Cell Enrichment”, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 286:493-500.
J. M. Porter, P Modares, FR Castiello, M Tabrizian (2019), “Capacitive detection of insulin antibody enhanced by AC electrothermal mixing”, 2019 IEEE 6th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG), 1-4.
K. Jahan, M. Mekhail, M. Tabrizian* (2019), “A one-step fabrication of nanoapatite-chitosan scaffold as a potential soft and injectable construct for bone tissue engineering: An investigation of structural properties”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 203(1):60-70.
N. DiStasio, M. Arts, S. Lehoux*, M. Tabrizian* (2018), “IL-10 Gene Transfection in Primary Endothelial Cells via Linear and Branched Poly(-amino ester) Nanoparticles Attenuates Inflammation in Stimulated Macrophages”, ACS-Appl. Bio Mater. 1(3):917–927.
N. Distasio, S. Lehoux, A. Khademhosseini, M. Tabrizian* (2018), ‘The Multifaceted Uses and Therapeutic Advantages of Nanoparticles for Atherosclerosis Research”, Materials 2018, 11, 754; doi:10.3390/ma11050754. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5978131/
R. Castiello, M. Tabrizian* (2018), “Multiplex Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging-Based Biosensor for Human Pancreatic Islets Hormones Quantification” Anal Chem. 90(5):3132-3139. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.analchem.7b04288
S. Amrani, M. Tabrizian* (2018), “Passive Encapsulation and Characterization of Nanoscale Liposomes Produced by 2D Hydrodynamic Flow Focusing", ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 4(2):502–513. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.7b00572
L. Benameur, T. Baudequin, M. Mekhail, M. Tabrizian* (2018), “The Bioconjugation Mechanism of Purine Cross-linkers Affects Microstructure and Cell Response to Ultra Rapidly Gelling Purine-Chitosan Sponges”. Material Chemistry B. 6:602-613.
O. Felfoul O, M. Mohammadi, S. Taherkhani, D. Lanauze, Y-X. Zhong, M. Lafleur, L. Gaboury, M. Tabrizian, T. Vuong T, G Batist, N. Beauchemin, D. Radzioch D, S. Martel* (2018), “Encapsulation of chemotherapeutic agents in nanoliposomes carried by magneto-aerotactic bacteria-Targeting tumor hypoxic regions”, Med Sci. 34(3):197-199.
T. Baudequin, M. Tabrizian* (2018), “Multi-lineage Constructs for Scaffold-based Tissue Engineering: A review of Tissue-Specific Challenges”, Adv Healthc Mater. 7(3):1-18.
S. Ghadakzadeh, R. C. Hamdy, M. Tabrizian* (2017), “Efficient in vitro delivery of Noggin siRNA enhances osteoblastogenesis”. Heliyon 3(11):e00450. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon. https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S2405844017323137?token=3C881E5E4C32FEF583A4F99FB6E4CF074023B30CB17BB9E0922C04916E6887DF2CA5ABE70C2527D36165F4B1FB54C8BF
P. Modarres, M. Tabrizian* (2017), “Alternating current dielectrophoresis of biomacromolecules: The interplay of electrokinetic effects”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemicals, 252:391-408.
F. Melaine, M. Saad, S. Faucher, M. Tabrizian* (2017), “Selective and High Dynamic Range Assay Format for Multiplex Detection of Pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium, and Legionella pneumophila RNAs Using Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging”, Anal Chem. 89(14):7802-7807. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.analchem.7b01942
K. Heileman, M. Tabrizian* (2017), “Dielectric Spectroscopy Platform to Measure MCF10A Epithelial Cell Aggregation as a Model for Spheroidal Cell Cluster Analysis”, Analyst, 42(9):1601-1607.
S. Filion-Côté, M. Tabrizian, A. G. Kirk* (2017), “Real-Time Measurement of Complex Refractive Indices with Surface Plasmon Resonance”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemicals, 245:747-752.
S. Filion-Côté, A. G. Kirk, M. Tabrizian* (2017), “Monitoring of Bacterial Film Formation and their Breakdown with an Angular-Based Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor”, Analyst, 42(13):2386-2394.
L. Nayef, R. Castiello, M. Tabrizian* (2017), “Washless Method Enables Multilayer Coating of an Aggregation-Prone Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery System with Enhanced Yields, Colloidal Stability, and Scalability”. Macromol Biosci. June 17(6). doi: 10.1002/mabi.201600535.
F. Melaine, M. Tabrizian* (2016), “Functionalized gold nanoparticles for surface plasmon resonance detection of Legionella pneumophila 16s rRNA”, 2016 IEEE SENSORS, 2016, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1109/ICSENS.2016.7808696.
P. Modarres, M. Tabrizian* (2016), “Modeling and Analysis of a Novel Approach for Particle Separation Using Time-Varying Amplitude Dielectrophoresis”, 2016 IEEE EMBS International Student Conference (ISC), 2016, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/EMBSISC.2016.7508622.
K. Heileman, J. Daoud, M. Tabrizian* (2016), “Elaboration of a Finite Element Model of Pancreatic Islet Dielectric Response to Gap Junction Expression and Insulin Release”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 148:474–80.
O. Felfoul, M. Mohammadi, S. Taherkhani, D. de Lanauze, Y. Zhong Xu, D. Loghin, S. Essa, S. Jancik, D. Houle, M. Lafleur, L. Gaboury, M. Tabrizian, N. Kaou, M. Atkin, T. Vuong, G. Batist, N. Beauchemin, D. Radzioch, S. Martel* (2016), “Magneto-aerotactic bacteria deliver drug-containing nanoliposomes to tumour hypoxic regions”, Nature Nanotechnology, 11(11):941-947. https://www.nature.com/articles/nnano.2016.137#Sec1
E. Samiei, M. Tabrizian, M. Hoorfar* (2016), “A review of digital microfluidics as portable platforms for lab-on a-chip applications”, Lab Chip, 16(13):2376-2396.
S. Ghadakzadeh, M. Mekhail, A. Aoude, M. Tabrizian*, R. Hamdy* (2016), “Small Players Ruling the Hard Game: siRNA in Bone Regeneration”, J. Bone and Mineral Res., 31(3):475-487.
T. Nardo, V. Chiono, P. Gentile, M. Tabrizian, G. Ciardelli* (2016), “Poly(DL-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) and poly(DLlactide-co-glycolide) Blends for Biomedical Application: Physical Properties, Cell Compatibility, and in vitro Degradation Behavior, Int J Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 65(16): 741-750. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00914037.2016.1163566?needAccess=true
R. Castiello, K. Heileman, M. Tabrizian* (2016), “Microfluidic perfusion systems for secretomic analysis: applications, challenges and opportunities for pancreatic islet research”, Lab on a Chip, 16:409-431. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2016/lc/c5lc01046b
L. Nayef, M. Mekhail, L. Benameur, J. S. Rendon, R. Hamdy, M. Tabrizian* (2016), “A Combinatorial Approach towards Achieving an Injectable, Self-Contained, Phosphate-Releasing Scaffold for Promoting Biomineralization in Critical Size Bone Defects”, Acta Biomaterialia. 1(29):389-397. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1742706115301501?casa_token=BqyG4I9sggIAAAAA:IlUcfU97aX1UUrCELw9kUNve03g0fKF6WEM2gSAJmPgA02GtJawsxXKoLuhcnSkOcTjz42R_urw
H. Khadivi Heris, S. Sheibani, J. Daoud, H. Vali, M. Tabrizian*, L. Mongeau* (2016), “Investigation of the Viability, Adhesion, and Migration of Human Fibroblasts in a Hyaluronic acid/Gelatin Microgel-Reinforced Composite Hydrogel for Vocal Fold Tissue Regeneration", Adv Healthcare Materials, 5(2):255-265 (inside front cover Vol. 5. No. 2. January 21. 2016). https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/adhm.201500370
S. Essa, J. Daoud, M. Lafleur, S. Martel, M. Tabrizian* (2015), "SN-38 active loading in poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles and assessment of their anticancer properties on COLO-205 human colon adenocarcinoma cells" Journal of Microencapsulation, 32(8):784-93. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.3109/02652048.2015.1081416?needAccess=true
T. Nardo, V. Chiono, G. Ciardelli, M. Tabrizian* (2015), “PolyDOPA Mussel-Inspired Coating as a Means for Hydroxyapatite Entrapment on Polytetrafluoroethylene Surface for Application in Periodontal Diseases”, Macromolecular Bioscience, 16(2):288–298.
K. Jahan, M. Tabrizian* (2015), “Composite Biopolymers for Bone Regeneration Enhancement in Bony Defects”, Biomater. Sci., 4(1):25-39. (Advance Article). https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2016/bm/c5bm00163c
K. Heileman, J. Daoud, C. Hasilo, M. Gasparrini, S. Paraskevas, M. Tabrizian* (2015), “Microfluidic platform for assessing pancreatic islet functionality through dielectric spectroscopy”, Biomicrofluidics, 9, 044125. https://aip.scitation.org/doi/pdf/10.1063/1.4929652
J. Daoud, K. Heileman, S. Shapka, L. Rosenberg, M. Tabrizian* (2015), “Dielectric Spectroscopy for Monitoring Human Pancreatic Islet Differentiation within Cell-Seeded Scaffolds in a Perfusion Bioreactor System”, Analyst 140, 6295 – 6305.
R. Tien Sing Young, M. Tabrizian* (2015), “Rapid, one-step fabrication and loading of nanoscale 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine liposomes in a simple, double flow-focusing microfluidic device”, Biomicrofluidics, 9(4):046501. https://aip.scitation.org/doi/pdf/10.1063/1.4926398
A. Foudeh, H. Trigui, N. Mendis, S. P. Faucher, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian* (2015), “Rapid and Specific SPRi Detection of L. pneumophila in Complex Environmental Water Samples”, Anal Bioanal Chemistry, 407(18):5541-5545. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00216-015-8726-y
M. Singh, M. Holzinger*, M. Tabrizian, S. Winters, N.C. Berner, S. Cosnier*, G. S. Duesberg (2015), “Noncovalently functionalized monolayer graphene for sensitivity enhancement of surface plasmon resonance immunosensors”, J Am Chem Soc. 137(8):2800-3.
S. Filion-Côté, M. Tabrizian, A. G. Kirk* (2015), “Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor as a Tool for the Measurement of Complex Refractive Indices”, Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2015:6413-6.
A. M. Foudeh, D. Brassard, M. Tabrizian, T. Veres* (2015), “Rapid and multiplex detection of Legionella's RNA using digital microfluidics”, Lab Chip. 15(6):1609-1618.
M. Mekhail, G. Almazan, M. Tabrizian* (2015), “Purine-Crosslinked Injectable Sponges Promote Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells Attachment and Differentiation”, Biomaterials Science, 3(2), 279-287. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2015/bm/c4bm00215f
M. Singh, M. Holzinger, M. Tabrizian, S. Cosnier* (2015), “Layer by layer scaffold formation using magnetic attraction between HiPCO® single-walled carbon nanotubes and magnetic nanoparticles: application for high performance immunosensors” CARBON, 81: 1731–1738.
F. Tzelepis, J. Daoud, M. Verway, J. Gillard, K. Hassani-Ardakani, J. Jaworska, Y. Nédélec, H. Vali, M. Tabrizian, L. Barreiro, M. Divangahi* (2015), “Annexin 1 is critical in immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection by mediating DC, efferocytosis and antigen cross-presentation”, Journal of Clinical Investigation, 125(2):752-768. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4319406/pdf/JCI77014.pdf
C. Holmes, M. Tabrizian, P. O. Bagnaninchi* (2015), “Motility imaging via optical coherence phase microscopy enables label-free monitoring of tissue growth and viability in 3D tissue engineering scaffolds", J Tissue Eng and Regenerative Medicine 9(5):641-645. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/term.1687
S. Filion-Côté S, P. J. Roche, A. Foudeh, M. Tabrizian, A. G. Kirk* (2014), “Design and analysis of a spectra-angular surface plasmon resonance biosensor operating in the visible spectrum”, Rev Sci Instrum, 85(9):093107.
L. Nayef, J. S. Rendon, R. Matthys, R. C. Hamdy, M. Tabrizian* (2014), “Liposome Encapsulated Quantum Dots Show Efficient In Vivo Retention of a Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery System at its Target in a Rat model of Distraction Osteogenesis”, Journal of Nanopharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, 2(2), 93-102.
K. Bowey, J. F. Tanguay, M. Tabrizian* (2014), “Nanoliposome-Delivered 17β-Estradiol Effectively Protects Against Inflammation: A Potential for Anti-Atherogenic Therapy”, 10 pages. ICANM 2014 Proceeding, (ISBN:978-0-9921173-3-70).
M. Singh, M. Holzinger, M. Tabrizian, S. Cosnier* (2014), “Nanotubes and nanoparticles-based 3D scaffolds for the construction of high-performance Biosensors”, MRS Online Proceedings Library, 2014 MRS Spring Meeting, Volume 1700: symposium MM. pp. 97 – 102, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1557/opl.2014.535.
M. Mekhail, Q-L. Cui, G. Almazan, J. Antel, M. Tabrizian* (2014), “A Novel Injectable Chitosan Sponge Containing Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) to Enhance Human Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells' (OPC) Differentiation”, MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 2014, pp. 127 – 132, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1557/opl.2014.71.
S. Martel*, S. Taherkhani, M. Tabrizian, M. Mohammadi, D. de Lanauze, O. Felfoul (2014), “Computer 3D Controlled Bacterial Transports and Aggregations of Microbial Adhered Nano-components” Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics, 9(1-2):23-28.
K. Bowey, J. F. Tanguay, M.G. Sandros, M. Tabrizian* (2014), “Microwave-assisted synthesis of surface-enhanced Raman scattering nanoprobes for cellular sensing”, Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, 122:617-22.
S. Saha, C. Tomaro-Duchesneau, L. Rodes, M. Malhotra, M. Tabrizian and S. Prakash* (2014), “Investigation of probiotic bacteria as dental caries and periodontal disease biotherapeutics”, Beneficial Microbes, 8:1-14.
A. M. Makhdom, L. Nayef, M. Tabrizian*, R. C. Hamdy (2014), “The Potential Roles of Nanobiomaterials in Distraction Osteogenesis”, NanoMed-Nanotech Biolog. Med. 11(1):1-18.
S. Taherkhani, M. Mohammadi, J. Daoud, S. Martel, M. Tabrizian* (2014), “Covalent Binding of Nanoliposomes to the Surface of Magnetotactic Bacteria for the Synthesis of Self Propelled Therapeutic Agents", ACS Nano, 8(5):5049-5060.
M. Mekhail, K. Jahan, M. Tabrizian* (2014), “Genipin-crosslinked two-dimensional Chitosan/Poly-L-lysine gels promote Fibroblast adhesion and proliferation”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 108:91-98.
S. Martel*, S. Taherkhani, M. Tabrizian, M. Mohammadi, D. de Lanauze, O. Felfoul (2014), “Computer 3D controlled bacterial transports and aggregations of microbial adhered nano-components”, Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale IEEE Xplore proceeding (IEEE), 146-150. #14097516, DOI: 10.1109/3M-NANO.2013.6737402
M. Mekhail, M. Tabrizian* (2014), “Injectable Chitosan-Based Scaffolds in Regenerative Medicine and their clinical translatability”, Adv Healthcare Materials, 3(10):1529-1545.
C. Holmes, J. Daoud, P. O. Bagnaninchi, M. Tabrizian* (2014), “Polyelectrolyte multilayer coating of 3D scaffolds enhances tissue growth and gene delivery: Non-invasive and label-free assessment”. Adv Healthcare Materials, 3(4):572–780.
K. Bowey, J-F. Tanguay, M. Tabrizian* (2014), “2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine-Based Liposomal Nanoparticles as an Effective Delivery Platform for 17beta-Estradiol”, Eur J Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 86(3):369-375.
A. M. Foudeh, J. Daoud, S. Faucher, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian* (2014), “Sub-femtomole Detection of 16s rRNA from Legionella pneumophilia Using Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Through a Designed Post-amplification Methodology”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 52:129-135.
T. Fatanat Didar, K. Bowey, G. Almazan, M. Tabrizian* (2014), “A miniaturized multipurpose platform for rapid, label-free and simultaneous separation, patterning and in vitro culture of primary and rare cells”, Adv Healthcare Materials, 3(2):253-260.
A. Shabani, M. Tabrizian* (2013), “Design of a universal biointerface for sensitive, selective, and multiplex detection of biomarkers using surface plasmon resonance imaging”, Analyst, 138(20):6052-6062.
K. Heileman, J. Daoud, M. Tabrizian* (2013), “Dielectric spectroscopy as a viable biosensing tool for cell and tissue characterization and analysis”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 49:348-359.
S. Saha, C. Tomaro-Duchesneau, J. Daoud, M. Tabrizian, S. Prakask* (2013), "Novel probiotic dissolvable carboxymethyl cellulose films as oral health biotherapeutics: in vitro preparation and characterization", Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 10(11):1471-82.
T. Fatanat Didar, K. Li, M. Tabrizian*, T. Veres* (2013), “High throughput multilayer microfluidic particle separation platform using embedded thermoplastic-based micro-pumping”, Lab Chip. 13(13):2615-2622.
T. Fatanat Didar, K. Li, T. Veres*, M. Tabrizian* (2013), “Separation of rare oligodendrocyte progenitor cells from brain using a high-throughput multilayer thermoplastic-based microfluidic device”, Biomaterials 34(22):5588-5593.
L. H. Chan-Chan, C. Tkaczyk, R.F. Vargas-Coronado, JM Cervantes, M. Tabrizian M, JV Cauich-Rodriguez*, (2013), “Characterization and biocompatibility studies of new degradable poly(urea)urethanes prepared with arginine, glycine or aspartic acid as chain extenders”, J Mater Sci Mater Med. 24(7):1733-1744.
M. Mekhail, J. Daoud, G. Almazan, M. Tabrizian* (2013), “Rapid, Guanosine 5'-Diphosphate-Induced, Gelation of Chitosan Sponges as Novel Injectable Scaffolds for Soft Tissue Engineering and Drug Delivery Applications”, Adv HC Mater, 2(8):1126-1130.
C. Holmes, M. Tabrizian* (2013), “Substrate-Mediated Gene Delivery from Glycol-Chitosan/Hyaluronic Acid Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films”, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 5(3):524-533.
N. Duceppe, M. Tabrizian* (2013), “Design and Development of Light-sensitive Chitosan-based Nanocarriers for Gene Delivery”, Advances in Science and Technology 86:75-80.
P. O. Bagnaninchi*, C. Holmes, M. Tabrizian (2013), “Monitoring cells in engineered tissues with optical coherence phase microscopy: Optical phase fluctuations as endogenous sources of contrast”, Proceedings Volume 8580:, Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics X, International Society for Optics and Photonics85800E DOI: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2003730.
L. Chan-Chan, R. Vargas-Coronado, U. J. Cervantes, J. Cauich-Rodríguez, R. Rath, E. Phelps E, A. García, J. S. Del Barrio, J. Parra , Y. Merhi, M. Tabrizian (2013), “Platelet adhesion and human umbilical vein endothelial cell cytocompatibility of biodegradable segmented polyurethanes prepared with 4,4'-methylenebis (cyclohexyl isocyanate), poly(caprolactone) diol and butanediol or dithioerythritol as chain extender”, J Biomater Appl., 28(2):270-7.
T. Fatanat Didar, M. Tabrizian* (2012), “Generating multiplex gradients of biomolecules for controlling cellular adhesion in parallel microfluidic channels”, Lab Chip. 12(21):4363-71.
T. Fatanat Didar, M. Tabrizian* (2012), “A novel microfluidic design to generate multiplex gradients of biomolecules by visualized biomolecules patterning and direct cell adhesion”, MicroTAS 2012 proceeding, ISBN: 9781632666239, page 1558-1561.
A. Foudeh, T. Fatanat Didar, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian* (2012), “Microfluidic designs and techniques using lab-on-a-chip devices for pathogen detection for point-of-care diagnostics”, Lab on a Chip. 12(18):3249-3266.
J. Daoud, K. Asami, L. Rosenberg, M. Tabrizian* (2012), “Dielectric Spectroscopy for Non-Invasive Monitoring of Epithelial Cell Differentiation Within Three Dimensional Scaffolds”, Phys Med Biol. 57(16):5097-5112.
S. Saha, C. Tomaro-Duchesneau, M. Tabrizian, S. Prakash* (2012), “Probiotics as oral health biotherapeutics”. Expert Opin Biol Ther., 12(9):1207-1220.
M. Mekhail, G. Almazan, M. Tabrizian* (2012), “Oligodendrocyte-protection and remyelination post-spinal cord injuries: A Review”, Progress in Neurobiology, 96(3):322-339.
S. Saha, C. Tomaro-Duchesneau, M. Malhotra, M. Tabrizian, S. Prakash* (2012), “Supression of streptococcus mutans and candida albicans by probiotics: An in vitro study”, Dentistry 2(6), ISSN 2161-1122.
K. Bowey, J. F. Tanguay, M. Tabrizian* (2012), “Liposome technology for cardiovascular disease treatment and diagnosis”, Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 9(2):249-265.
C. Holmes, Tabrizian M* (2011), “Enhanced MC3T3 pre-osteoblast viability and adhesion on polyelectrolyte multilayer films composed of glycol-modified chitosan and hyaluronic acid”, Biomed Mater Res A. 100(2):518-526.
T. Fatanat Didar, A. M. Foudeh, M. Tabrizian* (2011), “Patterning Multiplex Protein Microarrays in a Single Microfluidic Channel”, Anal Chem 84(2):1012-1018.
P. O. Bagnaninchi*, C. Holmes, N. Drummond, J. Daoud, M. Tabrizian (2011), “Two-dimensional and three-dimensional viability measurements of adult stem cells with optical coherence phase microscopy”, J Biomedical Optics, 16(8), ID- 086003.
L. Malic, M. G. Sandros, M. Tabrizian* (2011) “Designed Biointerface Using Near Infra-Red Quantum Dots for Ultrasensitive Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Biosensors”, Anal Chem 83(13):5222-5229.
F. Azari, M. G. Sandros, M. Tabrizian* (2011), “Self-Assembled Multifunctional Nanoplexes for Gene Inhibitory Therapy”, Nanomedicine, 6(4):669-680.
J. Fatisson, S. Mansouri, D. Yacoub, Y. Merhi, M. Tabrizian (2011), “Determination of surface-induced platelet activation by applying time-dependency dissipation factor versus frequency using quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation”, Journal of Royal Society Interface, 8(60):988-997.
S. Mansouri, Y. Merhi, F. M. Winnik, M. Tabrizian* (2011), “Investigation of layer-by-layer assembly of polyelectrolytes on fully functional human red blood cells in suspension for attenuated immune response”, Biomacromolecules, 12(3):585-592.
J. Daoud, M. Petropavlovskaia, J. Patapas, C. Degrandpré, R. DiRaddo, L. Rosenberg, M. Tabrizian* (2011), “Long-Term In Vitro Human Pancreatic Islet Culture Using Three Dimensional Microfabricated Scaffolds”, Biomaterials, 32(6):1536-1542.
P. O. Bagnaninchi, C. Holmes, N. Drummond, J. Daoud, M. Tabrizian* (2011) “Measurements of adipose derived stem cell vitality with optical coherence phase microscopy”, Dynamics and Fluctuations In Biomedical Photonics Viii Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE, Volume: 7898, Article Number: 78980Y.
L. Malic, T. Veres, T, M. Tabrizian* (2011), “Nanostructured digital microfluidics for enhanced surface plasmon resonance imaging”, Biosens Bioelectron. 26:2053-59.
J. Daoud, L. Rosenberg, M. Tabrizian* (2011), “Pancreatic Islet Culture and Preservation Strategies: Advances, Challenges, and Future Outlook”, Cell Transplantation, 19:1523-1535.
Critical Review: T. Fatanat-Didar, M. Tabrizian* (2010), “Adhesion based detection, sorting and enrichment of cells in microfluidic Lab-on-Chip devices”, Lab on a Chip, 10(22):3043-3053.
Invited Review: N. Duceppe, M. Tabrizian* (2010), “Advances in using chitosan-based nanoparticles for in vitro and in vivo drug and gene delivery”, Expert Opin Drug Deliv 7(10):1191-1207.
C. Tkaczyk, O. L. Huk, F. Mwale, J. Antoniou, D. J. Zukor, A. Petit, M. Tabrizian*, (2010), “Effect of chromium and cobalt ions on the expression of antioxidant enzymes in human U937 macrophage-like cells”, J. Biomed. Mat. Res A. 94(2):419-25.
C. Tkaczy, A. Petit, J. Antoniou, D.J. Zukor, M. Tabrizian, O.L. Huk* (2010), “Significance of Elevated Blood Metal Ion Levels in Patients with Metal-on-Metal Prostheses: An Evaluation of Oxidative Stress Markers”, Open Orthop J. 4:221-7.
C. Tkaczyk, O. L. Huk, F. Mwale, J. Antoniou, D. J. Zukor, A. Petit, M. Tabrizian*, (2010), “Investigation of the binding of Cr(III) complexes to bovine and human serum proteins: A Proteomic Approach ”, J Biomed Mater Res A. 94(1):214-22.
C. Tkaczyk, A. Petit, I. Semova, F. Mwale, D. J. Zukor, J. Antoniou, M. Tabrizian, and O. L. Huk* (2010), “Oxidative stress markers in the blood of patients with metal-on-metal total hip arthroplasty”, J Bone Joint Surg Br Proceedings 92-B: 15.
Z. S. Haidar, R. C. Hamdy, M. Tabrizian* (2010), “Biocompatibility and safety of a hybrid core-shell nanoparticulate OP-1 delivery system intramuscularly administered in rats”. Biomaterials 31(10):2746-54.
J. Daoud, M. Petropavlovskaia, L. Rosenberg, M. Tabrizian* (2010), “The effect of extracellular matrix components on the preservation of human islet function in vitro”, Biomaterials, 31(7):1676-82.
Z. Haidar, M. Tabrizian, R. Hamdy* (2010), "A hybrid rhOP-1 delivery system enhances new bone regeneration and consolidation in a rabbit model of distraction osteogenesis", Growth Factors, 28(1):44-55.
L. Malic, D. Brassard, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian* (2010), “Integration and detection of biochemical assays in digital microfluidic LOC devices”, Lab Chip, 10(4):418-31.
L. B. Khzam, A. Hachem A; D. Yacoub, J-F. Theoret, G. Hassan, M. Tabrizian, W. Mourad, Y. Merhi* (2010), “Differential Responses of early and late endothelial progenitor cells to SCD40L”, Can J Cardiology, 26:141D-141D, 2902 S.
J. Daoud, M. Petropavlovskaia, L. Rosenberg, M. Tabrizian* (2010), “Pancreatic islets culture strategies in Vitro”, Proceeding of 2009 World Chemical Engineering Conference.
S. N. Shapka, M. Tabrizian* (2010), “The effect of molecular weight of imprinted chitosan on template uptake”, Proceeding of 2009 World Chemical Engineering Conference.
Z. S. Haidar, R. C. Hamdy, M. Tabrizian* (2009), “Biocompatibility and safety of a hybrid nanoparticulate OP-1 delivery system intramuscularly administrated in rats”, MRS fall meeting Proceeding YY & 7.
D. Yacoub, A. Hachem, J. F. Théorêt, M. Tabrizian, W. Mourad, Y. Merhi* (2009), “CD40l primes platelets and enhances agonist-induced activation and aggregation trough Cd40-mediated shape change and filopodia formation: PP-MO-012”, J. Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 7:320.
Z. S. Haidar, M. Tabrizian, R. C. Hamdy*, (2009), “Novel localized and release-controlled rhBMP-7/rhOP-1 core-shell nanoparticles accelerate tibial distraction osteogenesis in rabbits”, 2nd Joint Meeting of the International-Bone-and-Mineral-Society, Bone 44:S147-S147.
M. Sandros, M. Behrendt, R. A. McKinney, K. McDonald, E. Przybytkowski, D. Maysinger, M. Tabrizian* (2009), “Chitosan InGap-Quantum Dots Conjugate Nanoparticles for Live Cell Imaging of Glia”, Proceedings of Seventeenth Int. Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2008), 30:BI:29, 8 pages.
S. Mansouri, J. Fatisson, Z. M. Miao Y. Merhi, F. M. Winnik, M. Tabrizian* (2009), “Silencing Red Blood Cell Recognition toward Anti-A Antibody by Means of Polyelectrolyte Layer-by-Layer Assembly in a Two-Dimensional Model System”, Langmuir, 25(24):14071-78.
D. Yacoub, A. Hachem, J-F. Theoret, G. Hassan, M. Tabrizian, W. Mourad, Y. Merhi* (2009), “Endothelial Progenitor Cells Bind and Inhibit Platelet Function and Thrombus Formation”, Circulation, 120(22):2230-9.
B. Khadro. D. Leca-Bouvier, F. Lagarde, L. J. Blum, C. Martelet, L. Marcotte, M. Tabrizian, N. Jaffrezic-Renault* (2009), “Chemiluminescence of Luminol for the Determination of Cobalt(II) Adsorbed on a Chitosan Membrane”, Sensor Lett, 7(5): 833-38.
S. Faghihi, F. Azari, J. A. Szpunar, H. Vali, M. Tabrizian* (2009), “Titanium crystal orientation as a tool for the improved and regulated cell attachment”, J Biomed Mater Res A 91(3):656-62.
Z. S. Haidar, F. Azari, R. C. Hamdy, M. Tabrizian* (2009), “Modulated release of OP-1 and enhanced pre-osteoblast differentiation using a core-shell nanoparticulate system”, J Biomed Mater Res A 91(3):919-28.
L. Malic, B. Cui, M. Tabrizian, T. Veres *(2009) “imprinted Plastic Substrates for Enhanced Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Detection”, Optics Express, 17(22):20386-92.
(Invited Review) Z. Haidar, R. Hamdy, M. Tabrizian* (2009) “Delivery of Recombinant BMP for Bone Regeneration and Repair- Part B: Delivery Systems for BMPs in Orthopaedic and Craniofacial Tissue Engineering”, Biotechnol Lett. 31(12):1825-35.
(Invited Review) Z. Haidar, R. Hamdy, M. Tabrizian* (2009) “Delivery of Recombinant BMP for Bone Regeneration and Repair, Part A: Current Challenges in BMP Delivery”, Biotechnol Lett., 31(12):1817-24.
M. Behrendt, M. G. Sandros, R. A. McKinney, K. McDonald, J. Kriz, E. Przybytkowski, M. Tabrizian, D. Maysinger* (2009), “Imaging and organelle distribution of fluorescent InGaP/ZnS nanoparticles in glial cells”, Nanomedicine, 4(7):747-61.
A. L. Hillberg, C. Holmes, M. Tabrizian* (2009) “Effect of Genipin Cross-linking on the Cellular Adhesion Properties of Layer-by-Layer Assembled Polyelectrolyte Films”, Biomaterials 30(27):4463-70.
X. D. Hoa, M. Tabrizian, A. G. Kirk* (2009), “Rigorous Coupled-Wave Analysis of Surface Plasmon Enhancement from Patterned Immobilization on Nano-Gratings”, Journal of Sensors, Vol. 2009, Article ID 713641, 7 pages.
X. D. Hoa, A.G. Kirk and M. Tabrizian* (2009), “Enhanced SPR Response from Patterned Immobilization of Surface Bioreceptors on Nano-gratings” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 24(10):3043–48.
N. Duceppe, M. G. Sandros, M. Tabrizian* (2009), Photo-inducible chitosan / hyaluronic acid DNA nanocarriers; in-vitro evaluation, Molecular Therapy Conference proceeding, 17: S189-S190, Nature Publishing Group.
Z. S. Haidar, R. C. Hamdy RC, M. Tabrizian* (2009), “In vitro and In vivo Biocompatibility Study of a Hybrid Nanoparticulate BMP-7/OP-1 Delivery System”, 35th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Pages: 360-361.
S. Mansouri, Y. Merhi, F. M. Winnik, M. Tabrizian* (2009), “Nanoshell build-up onto non-fixed human Red Blood Cells through the Layer-by-Layer self-assembly technique for their Immunocamouflage”, 35th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Pages: 308-9.
Z. S. Haidar, R. C. Hamdy, M. Tabrizian* (2009), “Injectable and release-controlled OP-1 hybrid core-shell nanocapsules enhance distraction osteogenesis in rabbits”, 25th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference proceeding in IFMBE Proceedings, 24: 355–358 (IEEE publisher).
L. Malic, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian*, (2009), “Biochip functionalization using electrowetting-on-dielectric digital microfluidics for surface plasmon resonance imaging detection of DNA hybridization”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 24(7):2218-24.
N. Duceppe, M. Tabrizian* (2009), “Factors influencing the transfection efficiency of ultra-low molecular weight chitosan/hyaluronic acid nanoparticles”, Biomaterials, 30(13):2625-31.
(Invited Review) S. Mansouri, Y. Merhi, F. M. Winnik, M. Tabrizian* (2009), “Modulating the release kinetics through the control of the permeability of the layer-by-layer assembly: a review”, Exp Opinion on Drug Delivery, 6(6): 585-97.
L. Malic, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian* (2009), “Two-dimensional droplet-based surface plasmon resonance imaging using electrowetting-on-dielectric microfluidics”, Lab Chip, 9(3):473-5.
C. Tkaczyk, O. L. Huk, F. Mwale, J. Antoniou, D. J. Zukor, A. Petit, M. Tabrizian* (2009), “The molecular structure of complexes formed by chromium or cobalt ions in simulated physiological fluids”, Biomaterials, 30(4):460-7.
G. Sydow-Plum, Z. S. Haidar, Y. Merhi, M. Tabrizian* (2008), “Modulating the Release Kinetics of Paclitaxel from Membrane-Covered Stents Using Different Loading Strategies”, Materials, 1:25-43.
F. Azari, H. Vali, J. L. Guerquin-Kern, T.D. Wu, A. Croisy A, SK Sears, M. Tabrizian*, M.D. McKee* (2008), Intracellular precipitation of hydroxyapatite mineral and implications for pathologic calcification, J Struct Biol. 162(3):468-79.
A. Dorris, K. Douglas, M. Tabrizian, C. Barett*, (2008) “Control of DNA incorporation into nanoparticles with poly-L-lysine multilayers”, The Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 86(12):1085-94.
Z. Haidar, R. Hamdy, M. Tabrizian* (2008), “A novel OP-1 delivery system for the potential acceleration of regenerate formation and consolidation in distraction osteogenesis”, Bone, 43 S51-S51.
L. Malic, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian* (2008), “High throughput bioanalysis on dynamically configurable digital microfluidic-based surface plasmon resonance biochip platform”, MicroTAS proceedings, pp.829-831.
X. D. Hoa, M. Martin, A. Jimenez, J. Beauvais, P. Charette, A. Kirk, M. Tabrizian* (2008), “Fabrication and Characterization of Patterned Immobilization of Quantum dots on Metallic Nano-gratings”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 24(4):976-81.
B. Thierry*, F. M. Winnik, Y. Merhi, H. Griesser, M. Tabrizian (2008), “Biomimetic Hemocompatible Coatings through Immobilization of Hyaluronan Derivatives on Metal Surfaces”, Langmuir, 24(20):11834-41.
G. Sydow-Plum, M. Tabrizian*(2008), “Review of stent coating strategies: clinical Insights”, Materials Science and Technology, 24(9): 1127-43.
(Invited Review) M. G. Sandros, C. B. Sarraf, M. Tabrizian* (2008), “Prodrugs in Cardiovascular Therapy, Molecules, 14:13(5):1156-78.
S. Faghihi, H. Vali, M. Tabrizian*(2008), “Effects of crystal size and orientation of substrates on cell adhesion: Implication for medical implants”, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22(18-19): 3069-3081.
D. Brassard, L. Malic, F. Normandin, M. Tabrizian, T. Veres* (2008), “Water-oil core-shell droplets for electrowetting-based digital microfluidic devices”. Lab Chip, 8(8):1342-9.
M. Mandu-Hrit, E. Seifert, M. Kotsiopriftis, D. Lauzier, T. Haque, C. Rohlicek, M. Tabrizian, R. C. Hamdy* (2008), “OP-1 injection increases VEGF expression but not angiogenesis in a rabbit model of distraction osteogenesis", Growth Factors; 26(3):143-51.
M. Herrmann, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian* (2008), “Quantification of Low-Picomolar Concentrations of TNF-alfa in Serum Using the Dual-Network, Microfluidic ELISA Platform”, Anal Chem, 80(13):5160-7.
A. L. Hillberg, M. Tabrizian* (2008), “Biomolecule imprinting: Developments in mimicking dynamic natural recognition systems”, ITBM-RBM 29:89–104.
L. Marcotte, M. Tabrizian* (2008), “Sensing surfaces: Challenges in studying the cell adhesion process and the cell adhesion forces on biomaterials”, ITBM-RBM 29:77–88.
K. Douglas, C. Piccirillo, M. Tabrizian* (2008), “Cell-Line Dependent Internalization Pathways and Intracellular Trafficking Determine Transfection Efficiency of Nanoparticle Vectors”, European Journal of Pharmaceutics, 68:676-687.
F. Burel*, L. Poussard, M. Tabrizian*, Y. Merhi, C. Bunel (2008), “The Influence of isocyanurate content on the bioperformance of hydrocarbon-based polyurethanes” JBS-Polymer edition, 19(4):525-40.
J. Fatisson, Y. Merhi, M. Tabrizian* (2008), “Quantifying blood platelet morphological changes by dissipation factor monitoring in multilayer shell”, Langmuir, 24(7):3294-9.
Z. S. Haidar, R. C. Hamdy, M. Tabrizian* (2008), “Core-shell hybrid nanoparticles through layer-by-layer assembly of alginate and chitosan on liposomes for protein delivery: Characterization and release kinetics”, Biomaterials, 29(9):1207-15.
M. Sandros, M. Behrendt, D. Maysinger, M. Tabrizian* (2007), “InGaP@ZnS-enriched chitosan nanoparticles: A new versatile fluorescent probe for deep tissue imaging”, Advanced Functional Materials, 17(18):3724-30.
L. Malic, B. Cui, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian* (2007), “Enhanced Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Detection of DNA Hybridization on Periodic Gold Nanoposts”, Opt. Let., 32(21) 3092-94.
M. Herrmann, E. Roy, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian* (2007), “Microfluidic ELISA on non-passivated PDMS chip using magnetic bead transfer inside dual networks of channels”, Lab Chip, 7:1546-52.
D. Hoa, M. Martin, A. Jimenez, J. Beauvais, P. Charette, A. Kirk, M. Tabrizian*, (2007), “Patterned immobilisation of quantum dots for enhanced SPR”, 20th Annual Meeting of the IEEE-Lasers-and-Electro-Optics-Society (LEOS) Proceeding, 1: 598-599.
D. Dziong, P. Bagnaninchi, R. E. Kearney, M. Tabrizian* (2007), “Nondestructive On-line in-vitro Monitoring of Pre-Osteoblast Cell Proliferation within Micro-Porous Polymer Scaffolds”, IEEE-Transaction of Nanoscience, 6(3):349-258.
X. D. Hoa, A.G. Kirk, M. Tabrizian* (2007), “Toward Integrated Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors: A Review of Recent Progress”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 23:151-60.
S. Faghihi, F. Azari, A. P. Zhilyaev, J. A. Szpunar, H. Vali, M. Tabrizian* (2007) “Cellular and molecular interactions between MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblasts and nanostructured titanium produced by high-pressure torsion”, Biomaterials, 8(27):3887-95.
S. Faghihi, F. Azari, A. P. Zhilyaev, J. A. Szpunar, H. Vali, M. Tabrizian* (2007), “Nanostructured titanium produced by high pressure torsion increases the expression of fibronectin and vinculin to promote the pre-osteoblast adhesion and growth”, Advanced Materials, 19 (8):1069-1073.
L. Malic, M. Herrmann, X. D. Hoa, M. Tabrizian* (2007), “Current State of Intellectual Property in Microfluidic Nucleic Acid Analysis”, Recent Patents on Engineering, 1:71-88.
M. Herrmann, E. Roy, M. Tabrizian, T. Veres* (2007), “Microfluidic ELISA using magnetic beads and pressure valves to reduce noise caused by non-specific adsorption”, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 661-663.
L. Malic, B. Cui, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian* (2007), “Nanostructure Enhanced Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Detection of DNA Hybridization”, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 442-4.
X. D. Hoa, A. G. Kirk, M. Tabrizian*(2006), “Modelling and Implementation of a Novel SPR Biointerface for Time-Effective Detection of Sepsis Biomarkers”, IEEE-CAMPS 2006 Proceeding (IEEE), 30-33:2-3.
D. Dziong, P. Bagnaninchi, R. E. Kearney, M. Tabrizian* (2006), “A Highly Responsive System for On-line in vitro Assessment of Tissue Growth within Micro- Micro-Porous Polymer Scaffolds”, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE, Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, 1043-6.
K. Douglas, C. Piccirillo, M. Tabrizian* (2006), “Effects of Alginate Inclusion on the Vector Properties of Chitosan-Based Nanoparticles”, Controlled Release Systems 115:354-61.
M. Mandu, T. Haque, D. Lauzier, M. Kotsiopriftis, F. Rauch, M. Tabrizian, J. Henderson, R.C. Hamdy* (2006), “Early injection of OP-1 during distraction osteogenesis accelerates new bone formation in rabbits”. Growth Factors, 24(3):172–83.
A. Hillberg, M. Tabrizian* (2006), “Biorecognition on living cell through layer by layer deposition of polyelectrolytes: in situ hybridization and cell viability studies”, Biomacromolecules, 7(10):2742-50.
S. Faghihi, F. Azari, H. Li, M. R. Bateni, J. A. Szpunar, H. Vali, M. Tabrizian* (2006), “The significance of crystallographic texture of titanium alloy substrates on pre-osteoblast responses”, Biomaterials, 27(19):3532-9.
M. Gravel, R. Vago, M. Tabrizian* (2006), “Use of Natural Coralline Biomaterials as reinforcing and foaming agent for developing novel hybrid biomatrices: Microarchitectural and mechanical studies”, Tissue Engineering, 12(3):589-600.
M. Herrmann, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian* (2006), “Enzymatically-generated fluorescent detection in micro-channels with internal magnetic mixing for the development of parallel microfluidic ELISA”, Lab Chip, 6(4):555-60.
C. Fleury, A. Petit, F. Mwale, J. Antoniou, D. J. Zukor, M. Tabrizian*, O. L. Huk* (2006), “Effect of cobalt and chromium ions on human MG-63 osteoblasts in vitro: Morphology, cytotoxicity, and oxidative stress”, Biomaterials, 27(18):3351-60.
T. Haque, M. Mandu, F. Rauch, D. Lauzier, M. Tabrizian, R.C. Hamdy * (2006), “Immunohistochemical Localization of BMP Signaling Smads During Long-Bone Distraction Osteogenesis”, J. Histochem. Cytochem, 54(4):407-15.
S. D. Carrigan, G. Scott, M. Tabrizian* (2005), “Reducing non-specific adhesion on cross-linked hydrogel platforms for real-time immunoassay in serum”, Langmuir, 21(26):12320-6.
S. Faghihi, M. R. Bateni, F. Azari, J. A. Szpunar, H. Vali, M. Tabrizian*, (2005), “The Role of Crystallographic Texture of Ti-6Al-4V alloy on Cell Attachment and Proliferation”, Materials Science Forum, 495-97:705-10.
M. Gravel, T. Gross, R. Vago, M. Tabrizian* (2005) “Responses of mesenchymal stem cell to chitosan-coralline composites microstructured using coralline as gas forming agent”, Biomaterials, 27(9):1899-906.
B. Thierry, Y. Merhi, J. Silver, M. Tabrizian* (2005), “Biodegradable Membrane-Covered Stent from Chitosan-Based Polymers”, J Biomed Mater Res A., 75(3):556-66.
J. P. St-Pierre, M. Gauthier, L. P. Lefebvre, M. Tabrizian* (2005), “Three–dimensional growth of differentiating MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblasts on porous scaffolds”, Biomaterials, 26(35):7319-28.
S. D. Carrigan, G. Scott, M. Tabrizian* (2005), “Rapid three-dimensional biointerfaces for real-time immunoassay using rhIL-18BPa as a model antigen”, Biomaterials, 26: 7514-23.
S. D. Carrigan, G. Scott, M. Tabrizian* (2005), “Real-time QCM-D immunoassay through oriented antibody immobilisation using cross-linked hydrogel biointerfaces”, Langmuir, 21:5966-73.
B. Thierry, S. Faghihi, L. Torab, B. Pike, M. Tabrizian* (2005) “Magnetic Resonance Signal-Enhancing Self-Assembled Coating for Endovascular Devices”, Advanced Materials, 17(7): 826-830.
B. Thierry, C. Tkaczyk, P. Kujawa, F. M. Winnik, L. Bilodeau, M. Tabrizian* (2005), “Novel Drug Delivery Platform through combined Prodrug Approach and Self-Assembled Multilayers”, J Am Chem Soc, 127(6):1626-7.
L. Poussard, F. Burel, J.P. Couvercelle, Y. Merhi, M. Tabrizian*, C. Bunel* (2005), “In vitro thrombogenicity investigation of new water dispersible polyurethanes anionomers”, J. Biomater. Sci. Polymer Edn 16, 335-51.
A. Senechal, C. Catuognou, M. Tabrizian* (2005), “Initial Adhesion Stages of Enterococcus faecalis to Medical Grade Polymers: Qualitative Characterization and Quantification using a DNA-based Fluorescence Assay”, J. Biomater. Sci. Polymer Edn 16:115-129.
K. Douglas, M. Tabrizian*(2005), “Effect of Experimental Parameters on Particle Formation”, J. Biomater. Sci. Polymer Edn 16, 43-56.
P.O. Bagnaninchi, M. Dikeakos, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian* (2004), “Complex Permittivity Measurement as a New Non-invasive Tool for Monitoring in-vitro Tissue Engineering and cell signature through the Detection of Cell Proliferation, Differentiation and Pre-tissue Formation”, IEEE-Transaction of Nanoscience, 3(4):243-50.
D. Carrigan, G. Scott, M. Tabrizian* (2004), “Toward Resolving the Challenges of Sepsis Diagnosis”, Clinical Chemistry: 50(8):1301-14.
A. Sénéchal, S. D. Carrigan, M. Tabrizian* (2004), “Probing Surface Adhesion Forces of Enterococcus faecalis to Medical Grade Polymers using Atomic Force Microscopy”, Langmuir, 20:4172-77.
L. Poussard, F. Burel, J-P Couvercelle, Y. Merhi, M. Tabrizian*, C. Bunel* (2004),“Haemcompatibilty of new Ionic polyurethanes: influence of carboxylic group insertion modes”, Biomaterials, 25:3473-83.
B. Thierry, F. M. Winnik, Y. Merhi, J. Silver, M. Tabrizian*, (2004), “Radionuclides-hyaluronan-conjugate thromboresistant coatings to prevent in-stent restenosis”, Biomaterials, 25:3895-905.
J-P. St-Pierre, M. Gauthier, L.-P. Lefebvre, M. Tabrizian* (2004), “Adhesion Kinetics of MC3T3-E1 Pre-Osteoblasts to Osteoconductive Porous Titanium Scaffolds”, MRS Proc. 823:237-42.
B. Thierry, F. M. Winnik, Y. Merhi, J. Silver, M. Tabrizian* (2003), “Bioactive Coatings of Endovascular Stents based on Polyelectrolyte Multilayer”, Biomacromolecules, 4(6):1564-71.
B. Thierry, M. Tabrizian*, (2003), “Biocompatibility and biostability of metallic endovascular implants – states of the art and perspectives”, Journal of Vascular Therapy, 10(4):807-24.
P. O. Bagnaninchi, Maria Dikeakos, Teodor Veres, Maryam Tabrizian* (2003), “Towards online monitoring of cell growth in micro porous scaffolds: utilization and interpretation of complex permittivity measurements”, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 84:343-50.
B. Thierry, F. Winnik, Y. Merhi, M. Tabrizian* (2003), “Nanocoatings onto Arteries via Layer-by-Layer Deposition: Towards the In-Vivo Repair of Damaged Blood Vessels”, J Am Chem Soc, 125:7494-95.
N. Ma, A. Petit, O. Huk, L’H Yahia, M. Tabrizian*, (2003), “Safety Issue of Re-sterilization of Poly-urethane Electrophysiology Catheters: A Cytotoxicity Study”, JBS-Polymer Edn., 14(3):213-26.
B. Thierry, S. Faghihi, M. Tabrizian* (2003), “Magnetic resonance signal-enhancing self-assembled coating for endovascular devices”, 226th National
P.O. Bagnaninchi, M. Dikeakos, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian* (2003), “Monitoring of stem cell differentiation using a permittivity responsive biointerface”, MRS proc 773: N7.12.1-6.
B. Thierry, B, Winnik FM, Merhi Y, M. Tabrizian* (2003), “Self-assembled nanocoatings of blood vessels: Towards the efficient delivery of DNA to the vasculature”, 226:U471-U471, Part 2.
B. Thierry, Y. Merhi, L. Bilodeau, C. Trépanier, M. Tabrizian* (2002), “Nitinol Versus Stainless Steel Stents: Acute Thrombogenicity Study In An Ex Vivo Porcine Model”, Biomaterials, 23:2294-3005.
B. Thierry, Y. Merhi, C. Trépanier, L. Bilodeau, L’H. Yahia, M. Tabrizian* (2002), “Blood compatibility of Nitinol compared to Stainless Steel”, SMST Proc, 285-290.
L’H Yahia*, R. Hernandez, S. Rhalmi, S. Turenne, F. Prudhommeaux, M. Tabrizian (2002), “A biocompatibility evaluation of porous nickel titanium in hard tissue”, SMST Proc., 353-9.
S. Lerouge S, M. Tabrizian, M. Wertheimer, R. Marchand, L’H Yahia * (2002), “Safety of plasma-based sterilization: surface modification of polymeric medical devices induced by Sterrad and Plazlyte processes”, Bio-medical Mat & Eng, 12:3-13.
C. Demers*, M. Tabrizian, A. Petit, R. Hamdy, L’H Yahia (2002), “effect of experimental Parameters on the in vitro release kinetics of transforming growth factor beta 1 from coral particles”, J Biomed Mater Res A 59:403-10.
C. Demers, R. Hamdy, K. Corsi, F. Chellat, M. Tabrizian, L’H Yahia* (2002), “Natural Coral Exosketon as a graft substitute: a Review”, Bio-Medical Mat & Eng, 12:15-35.
M. Moisan*, J. Barbeau, S. Moreau, J. Pelletier, M. Tabrizian, L’H. Yahia (2001), “Low-temperature sterilization using gas plasmas: a review of the experiments and an analysis of the inactivation mechanisms”, J. Pharmaceutics, 226 (1-2):1-21.
N. Ma, A. Petit, O. L. Huk, L’H. Yahia, M. Tabrizian* (2002), “Cytotoxic reaction and TNF- Response of Macrophages to Polyurethane Particles”, JBS-Polymer Edn, 13(3):257-72.
S. Lerouge, C. Guignot, N. Yagoubi, M. Tabrizian*, D. Ferrier, L’H. Yahia (2000), “Plasma-based sterilization: effect on surface and bulk properties, and hydrolytic stability of reprocessed polyurethane electrophysiology catheters”, J Biomed Mater Res A, 52:774-82.
F. Chellat, M. Tabrizian*, S. Dumitriu, E. Chornet, L’H. Yahia (2000), “Study of biodegradation behavior of chitosan-xanthan microspheres in simulated physiological medias”, J Biomed Mater Res A, 53(5):592-99.
B. Thierry, M. Tabrizian*, C. Trépanier, O. Savadogo, L’H. Yahia (2000), “Effect of surface treatment and sterilization processes on the corrosion behaviour of NiTi-SMA”, J Biomed Mater Res A, 51(4):685-93
S. Moreau, M. Moisan*, M. Tabrizian, J. Barbeau, J. Pelletier, A. Ricard, L’H. Yahia (2000), “Using the flowing afterglow of a plasma to inactivate Bacillus subtilis spores: Influence of the operating condition”, J. Appl. Physics, 88(2):1166-74.
F. Chellat, M. Tabrizian*, S. Dumitriu, E. Chornet, C-H Rivard, L’H. Yahia (2000), “In vitro and in vivo biocompatibility of chitosan-xanthan polyionic complex”, J Biomed Mater Res A, 51(1):107-16.
S. Lerouge, M. Wertheimer, R. Marchand, M. Tabrizian, L’H. Yahia* (2000), “Effect of gas composition on spore mortality and etching during low-pressure plasma sterilization”, J Biomed Mater Res A, 51(1):128-35.
B. Thierry, M. Tabrizian*, O. Savadogo, L’H. Yahia (2000), “Effects of sterilization processes on NiTi alloys: surface characterization”, J Biomed Mater Res A. 49(1):88-98.
S. Rhalmi, M. Odin, M. Assad, M. Tabrizian, C.-H. Rivard, L’H. Yahia* (1999) “Hard, soft tissue and in vitro cell response to porous nickel-titanium: a biocompatibility evaluation”, Bio-Medical Materials & Engineering, 9(3):151-62.
C. Trépanier, M. Tabrizian*, L. Bilodeau, D. Piron, L’H. Yahia (1999),“preliminary investigation of biological response to shape memory NiTi stents”, J Biomed Mater Res ., 48(2):165-71.
S. Lerouge, A. C. Fozza, M. R. Wertheimer, R. Marchand, M. Tabrizian, L’H. Yahia (1999), “Plasma sterilization: Spore destruction by microwave plasmas”, MRS Proceedings 544:33-7.
M. Tabrizian*, B. Thierry, O. Savadogo, L’H. Yahia (1999), “Surface characteristics of sterilized electro polished NiTi shape memory alloy as biomaterials”, SPIE-STS Processing, 3670:106-14.
S. Moreau, M. Tabrizian, J. Barbeau, M. Moisan, A. Leduc, J. Pelletier, T. Lagarde, M. Rohr, F. Desor, D. Vidal, L’H. Yahia (1999) “Essential parameters for plasma sterilization”, International Conf on Phenomena in Ionized gaz proceeding 1:51-52.
S. Moreau, M. Tabrizian, J. Barbeau, M. Moisan*, A. Leduc, J. Pelletier, T. Lagarde, M. Rohr, F. Desor, D. Vidal, A. Ricard, L’H. Yahia (1999), “Optimum operating conditions leading to complete sterilization at low substrate temperatures in a plasma flowing afterglow”, in proceeding of 12e Coll. Intern. sur les Procédés Plasmas, Antibes.
B. Thierry, M. Tabrizian*, O. Savadogo, L’H. Yahia (1999), “Effect of sterilization processes on the ions release of NiTi alloy”, Proc. of 38 ann. Int. MRS. 373-382.
S. Lerouge, A.C. Fozza, M.R. Wertheimer*, R. Marchand, M. Tabrizian, L’H. Yahia (1999), “Plasma sterilization: spores’ destruction by microwave plasmas”, Plasma deposition and treatment of polymers, MRS, 544:33-7.
C. Trépanier, M. Tabrizian, L. Bilodeau, D. Piron, L’H. Yahia* (1998), “Effects of the modification of the oxide layers on NiTi stent corrosion resistance”, J Biomed Mater Res., 43:433-40.
F. Villermaux, M. Tabrizian, L’H. Yahia*, M. Meunier, D. Piron (1997), “Excimer laser treatment of NiTi shape memory alloy biomaterials”, Applied Surface Science, 109/110:62-6.
C. Trépanier, M. Tabrizian*, L’H. Yahia, L. Bilodeau, D. L. Piron (1997), “Improvement of the corrosion resistance of NiTi stents by surface treatments”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 459:363-8.
M. Tabrizian*, S. Lerouge, A. Debrie, L’H. Yahia (1997), “New sterilization technologies alternative to ethylene oxide”, SPIE-Smart technology and smart materials, 3042:45-51.
C. Trépanier, T. K. Leung, M. Tabrizian*, L’H. Yahia, J. G. Bienvenu, J. F. Tanguay, D.L. Piron, L. Bilodeau (1997), “In vivo biocompatibility study of NiTi stents”, SMST-97:423-8.
F. Villermaux, M. Tabrizian*, S. Rhalmi, C. Rivard, M. Meunier, G. Czeremuszkin, D. Piron, L'H. Yahia (1997), “Cytocompatibility of NiTi shape memory alloy biomaterial”, SMST-97:417-22.
F. Villermaux, I. Nakatsugawa, M. Tabrizian, D. Piron, C. Rivard, M. Meunier, L'H. Yahia* (1997), “Corrosion kinetics of laser treated NiTi shape memory alloy biomaterial”, MRS, 459:477-82.
F. Villermaux, M. Tabrizian, L’H. Yahia*, M. Wertheimer, G. Czeremuszkin, D. Piron (1996), “Corrosion resistance study of NiTi shape memory osteosynthesis staples after plasma treatment”, Bio-Medical Materials &Engineering, 6:241-54.
M. Tabrizian*, F. Villermaux, L’H. Yahia (1996), “Biocompatibility issues of NiTi Shape memory alloys”, Proceeding of one day seminar on shape memory alloys, OCMR.
M. Tabrizian*, A. Leroy, L'H. Yahia (1996), “Mechanical and physicochemical characteristics of synthetic ligaments”, Orthopaedic Transaction, J. Bone & Joint Surg.
M. Tabrizian, A. Soldera, M. Couturier, C. G. Bazuin* (1995), “Pyridinium salts liquid crystal: effect of mesogen extension and alkyl chain length”, Liquid Crystals, 18(3):475-82.
M. Tabrizian, C. Bunel, J. P. Vairon, C. Friedrich and C. Noël* (1993), “Liquid crystalline polyacrylates containing biphenyl and chiral terminal group in the side chain, 1: Influence of the spacer length on the liquid crystal behavior”, Macromol Chem, 194(2): 689-704.
M. Tabrizian, C. Bunel, J. P. Vairon, C. Friedrich and C. Noël* (1993), “Liquid crystalline polyacrylates containing biphenyl and chiral terminal group in the side chain, 2: Influence of the nature of chiral group”, Macromol Chem, 194(3): 891-906.
Book Chapters
M. Mekhail, L. Benameur, M. Tabrizian*(2017), “Self-Assembled Nanostructures (SANs)”, in Biology and Engineering of Stem Cell Niches, Edited by Ajaykumar Vishwakarma and Jeffrey Karp, Elsevier Inc. Pages 391-409.
C. Holmes, M. Tabrizian* (2013), “Surface Functionalization of Biomaterials”, Chapter 16 in Stem Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering in Dental Science edited by Murugan Ramalingam, Paul T. Sharpe, Songtao Shi, Ajaykumar Vishwakarma, and Xiu-Ping Wang, Editon 2013-Elsevier Inc.
Z. S. Haidar, M. Tabrizian*, (2012) “Core-Shell Polymeric Nanoparticles and their Biomedical Applications”, for Wiley-VCH ten volume series of books on "Nanomaterials for the Life Sciences”.
R. Hamdy*, J. Rendon, M. Tabrizian, “Distraction Osteogenesis and its challenges in Bone Regeneration”, In Bone Regeneration, Edited by Haim Tal, Intech Publisher, Sept 2011.
C. Tkaczyk, M. Tabrizian* (2011), “Biocompatibility, Metals Ion, and Corrosion Products”, ASM International. ASM Handbook on materials for medical devices, 23: 47-55.
K. Bowey, M. Tabrizian* (2011), “Biomedical Applications of Hybrid Organic and Inorganic Nanomaterials", Nanomedicine Section of the CRC Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Taylor & Francis, 2011.
M. Sandros, M. Tabrizian*, (2007), “Drug-Eluting Stents Devices: Clinical Relevance and Perspective”, Fundamentals about stents II, Ed: N. Chakfé, B. Durant, J.G. Kretz, pp147-160.
G. Plum, M. Tabrizian* (2005), “Clinical Outcomes of Non-Pharmaceutical Stent Coatings”, Proceeding of European Society for Vascular Biomaterials, p. 83-102.
K. Douglas, S. Carrigan, M. Tabrizian* (2004), Nanobiomaterials perspective and possibilities in nano medicine, invited chapter, in Biomedical Engineering Handbook. Taylor & Francis Ed pp 26-1 to 26-20.
B. Thierry, L. Bilodeau, M. Tabrizian*(2003), Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering, Stents, 1403-1411, Mercel Dekker Edn.
B. Thierry, M. Tabrizian* (2001), “Biostability of metallic cardiovascular implants”, New acquisition of vascular biomaterials, Ed. Nabil Chakfé, pp.101-114.
B. Thierry, M. Tabrizian*, Y. Merhi, L. Bilodeau, O. Savadogo, L’H. Yahia (2000), “Effect of sterilization processes on thrombogenicity of NiTi stents in ex vivo model”, Shape Memory Implants, Ed. L’H. Yahia, Springer-Verlag, p. 253-266.
Patents and Reports of Invention
R. Rasouli, M. Tabrizian, “Rapid Formation of Spheroids in Acoustic Vortexes”, Invention Disclosure, McGill University, Dec 2021.
S. Faucher, M. Saad, M. Tabrizian, “Aptamers binding to Legionella Pneumophila”, ROI, D2019-0061, McGill University, November 2018, provisional US Patent application, 05001770-841 USPR, April 18th, 2019.
M. R. Rasouli, M. Tabrizian, “Acoustic Mixer with Mixing Inducing Features and Vibration Generation Device”, US Provisional Patent 018-08-24 - CL - confirming filing of US provisional - D2019-0022/ROI 2019-021, August 24, 2018.
K. Li, T. Veres, T. Fatanat-Didar, M. Tabrizian, “Peristaltic Pump Microfluidic Separator”, European Patent Application 14776525.9 (based on PCT/IB2014/060234), 2015.
L. Nayef, M. Mekhail, M. Tabrizian, “Injectable purine-crosslinked chitosan sponges containing pyrophosphatase for enhancing bone regeneration”, Provisional patent, August 2015.
M. Mekhail, G. Almazan, M. Tabrizian “Rapid Formation of Chitosan Sponges Crosslinked using a Novel Anionic Crosslinker: Promising Injectable Scaffolds for In-Situ Tissue Regeneration and Drug Delivery”, US 61/696,537 Sept 2012, PCT Sept 2013, DOCSMTL-#6446573 August 2015, 05001770-483US, 19/01/2016.
L. Malic, M. Tabrizian, T. Veres, B. Cui, F. Normandin, “System and method for surface plasmon resonance-based detection of molecules”, US 8345253, Application number 12527961, 2013.
T. Fatanat Didar, K. Li, M. Tabrizian, T. Veres, “Integrated microfluidic system for size- based particles/cells separation”, 12559-0 -CIP Ref. #4789.106 –NRC, 2012.
T. Fatanat Didar, K. Bowey, M. Tabrizian*, “Universal microchip for detection separation, isolation and controlled attachment and spreading of cells”, ROI 12082, April 2012
M. Mekhail, G. Almazan, M. Tabrizian, “A Method to Initiate Instantaneous Chitosan Sponge Formation In-Situ Via Injectable Solutions”, ROI 12076, February 2012.
M. Sandros, M. Tabrizian, “Near Infrared emitting InGaP(InP)3ZnS quantum dots”, ROI 08016, August 2007.
L. Malic, T. Veres, Bo Cui, M. Tabrizian, “Digital microfluidic-based nanostructured SPR-array system for detection of DNA, proteins and small-molecules”, 60/890,863, February 21, 2007 (Canada), PCT/CA2008/000342.
B. Thierry, M. Tabrizian, “Biodegradable chitosan-based membrane-covered device”, 1770-330USPR-CC, 2003.
K. Julien, P. Belhumeur, M. Tabrizian, L’H. Yahia, R. Marchand, “Biological indicators for validating prions’ sterilization process”, PCT/CA00/00446 International, 2000.
S. Moreau, M. Moisan, M, Tabrizian, J. Pelletier, J. Barbeau, L’H. Yahia, “System and process for sterilizing at low temperature by means of gas plasma”, Patent PCT/CA00/00623, US & Canada 1999.
M. Tabrizian, C. Bunel, P. LeBarny, C. Noël and J. P. Vairon, “Polymères Cristaux Liquides Ferroélectriques”, N° 9003381, 1990 Thomson -CSF, France
Student Conferences
C. R. Moya-Garcia+, M. Tabrizian, N. Sadeghi, N. Y. K. Li-Jessen, "Induce and Evaluate a Docetaxel-resistant Response in Laryngeal Cancer Cells Using a Drug Escalation Method”, AHNS 11th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer, July 8-12, 2023, Montreal, Canada.
R. A. Paun+, D. C. Dumut, D. Radzioch, M.Tabrizian, “Development of lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles for the co-encapsulation of 6-bromo-indirubin-3’-oxime and copper diethyldithiocarbamate for synergistic cancer therapy”, Society for Biomaterials 2023 Annual Meeting, April 19-22, 2023, San Diego, USA.
N. Van Der Sanden+, M. Tabrizian, “Investigation of the Protein Corona’s Impact on Nanoliposome Drug Delivery Systems in Cancer Cells Using QCM-D”, Society for Biomaterials 2023 Annual Meeting, April 19-22, 2023, San Diego, USA.
M. Brown+, M. Tabrizian, N. Y. K. Li-Jessen, “Click Chemistry Improves the Stability of dECM Hydrogels and Provides an Angiogenic Environment for Vocal Fold Regeneration”, TERMIS EU, 28-31 March, 2023, Manchester, UK.
C. R Moya-Garcia+, N. Y. K. Li-Jessen, M. Tabrizian, “Chitosan-Coated Nano-Liposomes as Carriers for Docetaxel Chemotherapy Delivery”, TERMIS EU, 28-31 March, 2023, Manchester, UK.
A. Karoichan+, M. Tabrizian, “Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles and Nanoghosts: An In Vitro Comparison of their Osteoinductive Properties”, Dentistry Resaerch Day, April 18th, 2023, McGill University, Canada.
J. M. Porter+, L. Guerassimoff, F. R. Castiello, A. Charette, M. Tabrizian, “Effect of Synthetic INGAP-P on human islet insulin secretion and gene expression”, 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, September 4-8, 2022, Bordeaux, France.
M. Yitayew+,M. Tabrizian,“In vitro biocompatibility study of MIN6 spheroids with a tetrahydropyran triazole phenyl-alginate and quaternized phosphocholine-chitosan nanocoating”, 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, September 4-8, 2022, Bordeaux, France.
A. Karoichan+, M. Tabrizian, “RGD-Integrin Interactions as a Facile Approach to Tether Ligands onto the Surface of Extracellular Vesicles for Targeted Drug Delivery Applications”, 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, September 4-8, 2022, Bordeaux, France.
C. J. Agnes+, A. Takada, M. Murshed, B.M. Willie, M. Tabrizian, “Fabrication of 6-Bromo-Indirubin-3’-Oxime Incorporated Guanosine Diphosphate Crosslinked Chitosan Scaffold to Promote Osteogenic Differentiation in Myoblastic C2C12 Cells”, 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, September 4-8, 2022, September 4-8, 2022, Bordeaux, France.
R. A. Paun+, R. Rasouli, D. C. Dumut, D. Radzioch, M. Tabrizian, "The bacterium Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense improves the accumulation of surface-adsorbed nanoparticles into the core of 3D cancer models", 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, September 4-8, 2022, Bordeaux, France.
M. Brown+, S. Zhu, M. Tabrizian, N. Li-Jessen, “Is a Tissue-Specific Source of Decellularized Extracellular Matrix Necessary for Vocal Fold Regeneration”, 2022 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting, April 27-30, 2022, Baltimore, USA.
C. R. Moya-Garcia+, M. Phil, N. Li-Jessen, M. Tabrizian, “Evaluation of Chitosan-Coated Liposome Potentials as Nano-Carriers for Laryngeal Cancer Treatment”, 2022 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting, April 27-30, 2022, Baltimore, USA.
C. Agnes+, M. Murshed, B. Willie, M. Tabrizian, “Effect of Incorporation of the GSK3 Inhibitor, 6-Bromoindirubin-3’-Oxime, on the Material Properties of the Guanosine Diphosphate Crosslinked Chitosan Scaffold”, Joint SFB-JSB Symposium, January 81-11, 2022, HI, USA.