Maryam Tabrizian
Ph.D., M.B.A.

Principal Investigator


Tel: (514) 398-8129
Fax: (514) 398-7461

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Full Professor of Biomedical Engineering - McGill University

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences & Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences

Canada Research Chair Tier-1 in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine

Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada-Academy of Science

Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering

Guggenheim Fellow in Biomedical Sciences

Editor-in-Chief ‘Materials’ MDPI

Editor-in-Chief ‘Exploration of Biomat-X’ Exploration Publisher

Director of Graduate Program- Biological and biomedical Engineering

Associate Member of the department of Bioengineering and the department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Professor Tabrizian received her Ph.D. in Physical Sciences from Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie and École de Physicochimie de Paris (France) in 1990. Her postdoctoral fellowship was conducted in the Center for Sciences and Engineering of Macromolecules at Laval University (90-92). She joined the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences at McGill University in December 2000. She was FRSQ chercheure-Nationale awardee from 2006 to 2011 and the founder of the FQNRT Centre for Biorecognition and Biosensors (CBB) that she directed from 2002 to 2011. In recognition of her contributions to the field of health sciences and engineering, professor Tabrizian became the Guggenheim fellow in 2010, International Fellow of the Biomaterials Science & Engineering in 2011, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada-Academy of Science in 2017, Canada Research Chair-Tier 1 holder in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine in 2019, Fellow of Canadian Academy of Health Sciences in 2020, and Charles P Leblond award recipient from the Network for Oral and Bone Health Research (RSBO) in 2021. Professor Tabrizian’s research has led to 264 peer-reviewed publications and the training of 174 HQP.

  • Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering (2024)

    Charles P Leblond award recipient, the Network for Oral and Bone Health Research (2021)

    Fellow of Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (2020)

    Canada Research Chair-Tier 1 in Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine (2019)

    American Dental Education Association (ADEA) Leadership Institute Fellow (2019)

    Member of Europe Science Foundation (ESF) (2019)

    James McGill Professorship (2018)

    Fellow of Royal Society of Canada-Academy of Science (2017)

    Katz Excellence in Teaching Award, McGill University (2017)

    Among the 6 finalists for David Thomson Award for Graduate Supervision and Teaching (2017)

    International Fellow of the Biomaterials Science & Engineering (FBSE) (2011)

    Guggenheim Fellow in Biomedical Sciences (2010)

    FRQ-S Chercheure nationale (National Researcher) (2011)

    FRQ-S-chercheure boursière (2001)

  • International Conferences: view here

    National Conferences: view here